15 Park Avenue Maywood, NJ 07607
Administrative Assistant - Diane Morrell
Phone: (201) 845-2900 Ext. 106
E-mail: records@maywoodpd.org
Temporary Office Hours
Will only be open:
9am - 1pm
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
The Records Bureau is open to the public Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, holidays excluded.
Accident Reports
Reports are usually ready for the public 5-7 business days after the date of the accident. Reports may be obtained by mail or in person, please call before coming to pick up report to ensure that it is ready.
Alarm Registration
Residents and business owners must complete the following applications when registering their alarm system(s). Please complete the application and provide emergency contact information. Use the following links to download the applications:
PLEASE mail the completed application to:
Maywood Police Department
15 Park Avenue
Maywood, New Jersey 07607
RE: Alarm Registration/Update
or Fax to:
(201) 845-0304
Canvassers and Solicitors
The Borough of Maywood requires that all parties canvassing or soliciting must have a permit from the police department. Always ask to see this permit before speaking to any person at your door. If they do not have a permit, notify headquarters. Some religious groups and youth groups are not issued individual permits because they have been given consent by the Police Department to be in town. If you have any questions about someone at your door, call headquarters immediately.
Applications for Solicitor and canvassers are available at headquarters and online (see below). There is a $25.00 processing fee and a fee of $5.00 per day. Ice Cream vendors must also register with the Police Department. Ice Cream Truck Inspection is $50 plus application fees.