15 Park Avenue Maywood, NJ 07607
The Maywood Police Department is connected to the State of New Jersey Firearms Application & Registration System (FARS) and the ePermit system, which applicants use to submit requests for Firearms ID Cards, and/or Permits to Purchase a Handgun. To submit a firearms application to MPD:
Click, “Online Firearms Application”
Enter NJ0023400 as ORI Number. This number is for the Borough of Maywood residents only. If you reside outside of the Borough of Maywood, contact the law enforcement agency responsible for your town to find out the correct ORI Number.
Press continue and proceed with the application.
When completing the application, you will need the email addresses of two (2) reputable references. Please inform your references they will be e-mailed reference questions, which they should respond to promptly in order to avoid delaying the application.
You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this process.
You will then need to submit payment to the Maywood Police Department in person. Stop by MPD with exact cash or a check/money order payable to the “Borough of Maywood” in the amount specified on your application. Also, bring a printed copy of the confirmation of your application submission. The desk officer will collect your payment, issue you a receipt, and forward it to the Firearms Unit.
Applications will not be approved until payment is made. Failure to submit payment may delay the processing of your application.
Once processing of your application is complete, your Firearms ID card and/or Purchaser Permits will be sent to your e-mail electronically by the State of NJ Portal. There will be no documents to pick up from the police department.
This process is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have provided the best contact number and e-mail address for yourself. It is your responsibility to ensure all information is thorough, accurate, and complete. If you made a mistake in the application process, contact us before submitting a new application. Please also regularly check your e-mail (including SPAM folders) for any communications from the Firearms Unit.
If you have any questions, please contact the Firearms Unit at 201-845-8800 or via e-mail at spatton@maywoodpd.org
Concealed Carry Documents
Training Requirement Memorandum
Application for Concealed Carry Permit
Civilian Carry Assessment & Range Evaluation