15 Park Avenue Maywood, NJ 07607
find'em scent safe program
The Maywood Police Department K-9 Unit is the first in the country to partner with Find ‘Em Scent Safe, a non-profit organization that provides an all-in-one, do-it-yourself human scent collection kit for at-risk/disabled persons to be used if they ever go missing.
The MPD has the only scent-specific bloodhound in Bergen County, who will utilize the scent kit if the resident ever goes missing, which will aid in the rapid and safe return of that person.
Simultaneously, the MPD will update its at-risk/disabled resident registration. Such things that are included in the registration form is emergency contact information, special considerations, hide-a-key locations, etc. Residents/family members can obtain a registration form at police headquarters 24/7/365. Those who qualify for a FREE scent kit will be contacted for pick-up upon return of the registration.