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There is no overnight parking allowed between the hours of 3 AM and 5 AM on any street in the Borough of Maywood. In the case of emergency, guests or other problem, call the police desk (201) 845-8800 for permission to leave a vehicle on the street overnight.





For information on how to apply for a NJ Firearms ID card and Handgun Purchase permits, please go to our Firearms page.





All alarms, home or business, must be registered with the Maywood Police Department. If you have an alarm installed, be sure to complete an application and return it to us. False alarm notices and bills are sent out each month in accordance with the Alarm Ordinance fee schedule.


First to third alarm in one year - no charge

Fourth alarm - $20.00

Fifth alarm - $30.00

Sixth - ninth (each) $100.00

Tenth - fourteenth 250.00

Fifteenth - nineteenth $500.00 Over 20 per year $1000.00 (each)


What is a false alarm?


When the police respond to a reported active alarm and there is no noted cause for the alarm or it was set off in error by someone on the premises.


How can you prevent a false alarm at your residence or business?


All false alarms cannot be prevented. You can, however reduce the number of false alarms in several ways.

Keep your system in good repair.


If you accidentally set off your alarm, call your alarm company with the proper code to cancel the alarm immediately.


Make sure all who have access to your premise have the proper code and know how to use the alarm system





Your police department can issue Temporary Handicap Parking placards. These placards are valid for a six (6) month period and can be renewed once for another six (6) months. As the word temporary implies, the intent of these placards is to allow a person with a temporary condition such as a broken leg or minor surgery to use handicap parking spaces. If the medical condition is of a continuing nature, you need to contact the NJ Department of Motor Vehicle for a permanent placard.


To obtain a Temporary placard, respond to the Records Bureau for an application. This must be taken to your medical provider and signed as required. You will complete the rest of the application and return it to Records along with a check made out to the NJ Division of MV in the amount of $4.00. You will then be issued your placard.





This is voluntary program. Stop at headquarters to request that your bicycle be registered. At that time a license will be affixed to your bicycle. There is no charge for this service.





The Maywood Police Department offers a service free of charge for Maywood Residents Only. 

The fingerprinting schedule is Mondays & Thursdays 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. and Saturdays 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. (Subject to Officer Availability)





Many residents have questioned the Police about the legality of having children operating motorized scooters or "Go-Peds" as they are commonly known.  Many young people are utilizing the motorized scooters as a means of transportation. However, these scooters as defined by NJ Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws, N.J.S.A. 39:1-1, are considered motor vehicles and more specifically, considered a motorcycle. 


© 2025 by Maywood Police Department.


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EMERGENCY: DIAL 911      PHONE: 201-845-8800

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